hello! well, we are back from our family vacation! we went to go visit my dad and his side of the family in washington and oregon! as always we had a super great time and it was too short! we spent all but three days camping near the oregon coast with some family and friends!
we cousin got married the first weekend we were there so we drove over to her beautiful outside wedding for the day and visited with my granny. it was so cool to watch my dad and gage's relationship totally bloom on this trip. my dad is not a big kid person and didnt' want grandkids, so, it was so awesome to see my dad so in love with him! he talked and held malia a little, about what he did the first time gage was out, so, i think once she is talking and moving, he'll be more into her as well! it was hard to leave though. it was the saddest i've seen my dad since my brother and i were little! i think he loves those grandbabies more than he thought he would! =)
gage was so good on our trip. he was such a little charmer and impressed everyone with his manners and knowing the alphabet and recognizing his letters! he had tons of fun playing in the sand and was a great little camper! my dad told him that just like in baseball there is no crying in camping. lol he must have listened b/c he was such a good boy! it was a blessing and a joy to have the best behaved kid out of the other kids and it be the one in the 'terrible twos'!
lol gage is in his crib down for a nap and just yelled out, "mommy, i'm not sleeping!" lol he's so stinking cute!
malia was a little doll as well. she loved the west coast. as soon as we got there she started sleeping until 6-7 am instead of 4 am for her first feeding! then she'd go back to sleep until 9! the second week we were there she started to wake up more during the day. she had still been a rather sleepy girl. she was rather content most of the time and loved being held! she has started to really look at you more rather than a blank look. and smiling. i love it. she's looking right at you and starting to coo back to you and then gets a big grin! so adorable!
since we've been home it has for the most part been relaxing, which is so nice! i did a major cleaning job before we left and what i didn't get done my sweet mom came and did for me! it was such a surprise to come home and for it to be done! what a treat it was! so the house has been staying clean, i'm trying to stay on top of it better. it just makes me more relaxed and i spend more time with the kids than cleaning every time they don't 'need' me. so it's been a blessing!
my granny is come from oregon next week to visit us! so that is another good reason to stay on top of my cleaning! lol
i just wanted to get a lil post up while i had some time. i am doing another craft in malia's room and one outside for the backyard, so while both kids are sleeping, well, gage is still telling me he's not sleeping, but he's in his bed and will eventually crash, i'm going to go work on those projects!
have a great god-given day!
Sick pic of Gage and Nathan! Really love that hair!!! WOW Gage looks so grown-up. Is that really him?
Those pictures are so cute. Sounds like your vacation was nice. Your family is just precious!
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